Monday, July 13, 2015


This week felt a bit longer than usual, and by that I mean it felt like maybe two days instead of one. haha
We had a zone conference this week and it was so good! They always are! We did what you might call a "faith experiment"? We all went to a quiet place in the room and knelt down to pray, specifically asking a question that we had, and after we prayed we'd wait for the answer. The spirit was so strong as we all did this and we all received answers to our questions right there! I love the spirit. It's the best! We also taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ to little kids to practice teaching it simply. Me and Sister Stacey got a little 6 year old, Willa and her little brother, Carl, who was 4. haha Willa sat still for most of it, but Carl was shaking his bum at us the whole time! hahaha It was a good time.
When we went to D's this week and it was great! We were reading the Book of Mormon and D was reading. We usually just read a couple verses at a time and then explain to her what is happening, but she just kept reading and reading! Once she stopped she said "that was cool" we asked her what she meant by that and she said that it was the first time she had ever been able to understand what she was reading while she read it and that she felt the Holy Ghost so strong while she was reading it, so she didn't want to stop. Aw she is just so great!
In the P family the 17 year old daughter told us that she wants to be baptized! Now the three of them will be baptized all together! I really hope I don't get transferred out of this area cause I want to see them be baptized! :)
We had to drop one of our investigators this week :( He's 86 years old, but looks like he's 60ish and he is so so nice! We have been teaching him every week since we got here and he has made really no progress at all.  He has been all over the world fighting in war and stuff and he always tells us the many stories about war (the same ones) haha We love him, but he doesn't believe much of what we tell him unless it is something about Jesus Christ, so it is hard for us to teach him much. We asked him why he has us over and he told us that he just likes to state his opinion and see what we think about it. Well we explained our purpose as missionaries and basically said that we won’t be back anytime soon. Then at the end he handed us his calendar, which we usually write on it when we are coming back and we had to say no.. it was the saddest thing ever!! I just wanted to cry!
Man I just love the people here and I want them all to come unto Christ! But if they aren't doing their part and making progress then we need to move on and give our time to other people that will. It's sad, but our time here is SO SHORT!
I am loving it here in Great Falls! The ward we are in just loves us so much and we love them! I haven't been to anywhere else so I don't know if all wards are this great, but I just love it here :)
I hope you all are doing great! Thank you for your prayers! I am praying for you too!
I love ya'll ta pieces!
Sister Anderson

PS. DO the Faith Experiment!

From the youth conference a week ago with Captain Moroni
Teaching the little kids.  She's in the back left corner...
The pink palace (her apartment)
Her car
an attempt to show Montana's Big Sky

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