I love this place SO much!
So I realized that I didn't tell you all where I was going in Wyoming! Oops my bad! On Wednesday I was in the car pretty much from 8 in the morning to 8 at night. Oh and we have a truck and I get to drive it! Our members think it's kinda funny that the sisters have a truck, but I think it's great! So I am in Sheridan! We cover Sheridan 1st ward and a branch out in Ranchester/Dayton. This area hasn't had sisters in it for about a year so everyone is so happy to have sisters now! It's awesome! The apartment wasn't as bad as we thought it was going to be. Until we started cleaning it this morning...yeah gross. But now it's nice! And we bought some air freshener things, so that'll be good! Haha
Our area book has very little in it, so we are basically starting over, but seriously this area is awesome! Everyone is SO nice and there is just a special spirit about this place :) We have already seen so many miracles! One of the miracles was yesterday as we were in Ranchester trying to find one of our recent converts. We first went to the house that we thought they lived at, then those people lead us to the house that they thought they lived. So we went there and actually ended up finding a less active! Then when we asked her if she knew where the recent convert lived and she led us around the corner and there was two women in their garage and we got talking with them and they actually knew where the recent convert lived! They told us the street and that it was a yellow house. So we went to that street and to the first yellow house we saw and ended up meeting this awesome guy and shared the first vision with him and the spirit was so strong as we did! God truly led us to his house through the many people that we met. We also asked him if he knew where the recent convert lived and he lead us to one of our members home, and they knew where the recent convert lived! It was a bit funny how it all worked out. It ended up being the other yellow house on the street. "Somehow" we didn't see it. God works in mysterious ways and I love it! Being a missionary is such a blessing! I love having a front row seat in watching the many miracles happen.
Also yesterday we went to church at the Ranchester branch it is SO tiny! The steeple isn't even on the building, it's like a huge thing that just comes out of the ground next to the little church. The chapel is probably the size of a normal relief society room and then after sacrament they pull a curtain and half becomes the relief society and the other half is priesthood. So small. But I love it! The whole branch is just like one big family :) Oh and in sacrament the announcer guy says"and we would like to notice our new sister missionaries! Sister Anderson and Sister Peterson. One is from Salt Lake and the other from Salem! Yes, some of us do know where Salem is." Hahaha they are some funny people. After church the branch president invited us over to his house for dinner and it turned out to be a whole big family get together! It was Canadian thanksgiving! You'll have to tell Aunt Michelle :) SO yummy!
The other day we went to meet one of our investigators and her son was outside and we started talking to him and his mom and then he came up to Sister Peterson and grabbed her hand and took her over to show her the pumpkin that he made! It was the cutest thing ever and his mom said that it was super rare for him to do that because he has autism and doesn't do physical contact. So cute! :) Oh and also we get lost like 75% of the time! Haha but that's okay! They don't have a grid here... The bishop said that the roads basically follow cow trails haha, but we get to talk to a bunch of people to ask for directions! So that's fun! We almost hit an antelope the other day and we almost hit a deer a couple three days ago too. We also saw an owl! While we were having companion study today we looked out the window and there was a pheasant!
On a spiritual note though we met with bishop Anderson the other night and shared a little message with him, but I'm pretty sure we got way more out of it than he did! We got talking about faith and he told us about a story when one of the Apostles just wanted an answer to something, but he wasn't getting it, so he went and talked with President Hinckley and he said, "you know what the problem with you is? You need to learn to take a step in the dark. You only want to see the light!" And I loved that! I felt like he was saying that right to me. I am like that way too often! Sometimes it is hard to take a step in the dark, but as we TRUST God and take that step...THEN we can see the LIGHT! The bishop also asked us to give a talk in sacrament next week on what we thought was the main idea of this last conference. I thought that was a super interesting topic! Because conference is like the scriptures kinda, you know? We all hear or read the same thing, but we all get something so different out of it! What I felt that the main idea was, was to trust in God. So that is what I'll be speaking about :) for ponderizing this week I'm doing is DC 68:6. I don't remember how, but I came across that scripture this week and I love it! Welp that is all that I can think of to write! I love you all and thank you so much for all of your prayers! :)
Sister Anderson
Jacobs really jealous =)
Time for a flu shot =(
All before leaving Great Falls (pictures above)
Good bye Sister Wong
Hello Sister Peterson!
Super heroes!
Hello Wyoming!
Sister Peterson in the rear view camera =)
The tiny church
Rooster pheasant in church parking lot
The owl (on the fence post in center)
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