So this week has been awesome!
Every week is awesome really. Well I'll start with transfer news! So yesterday, you know, Sister Wong and I were just having companion study and then our phone started ringing. So we looked at it and it was the president! So of course we freak out a little bit and then I answered and he said "hello Sister Anderson, how are you doing?" We talked for a second and he said "I'm calling about transfer information" (on the inside I was freaking out because since when does he call about transfer news?!) Then he said "I would like to assign you to be one of the first Sister training leaders in Wyoming" .....ah..... So yeah I don't really remember the rest of that call because I was in shock! I've only been out here for 4 months! How am I supposed to be a Sister training leader?! If you're like I was before my and mission and you don't know what a Sister training leader is.. They are basically a zone leader kinda? But over a bunch of zones and only for Sisters. If that makes sense? Like, I will go on exchanges with all of the Sisters and stuff, over all of Wyoming! Goodness this is going to be a major learning experience this transfer that's for sure! Sister Wong is staying here in Great Falls and is going to be training a new missionary! I am going to miss Great Falls SO much. I LOVE it here! It's like home :) and the ward is like family! But I am really excited to go to Wyoming :) My new companion is going to be Sister Peterson I've met her before for like 6 seconds and she was super nice! So I'm excited! It's going to take two days to get there. I leave on Wednesday for Helena, then to Billings. I will stay the night there and then to Wyoming! I think...haha it'll be good.
I don't have very much time to write, but this week was so great! Yesterday at church I was walking down the aisle out of the chapel and out of the corner of my eye I saw W! And I said "hey!" I think I startled him a bit haha but then he asked me to introduce him to the bishop! Ah! It was so awesome.
We met a bunch of cat people this week! People either have a few dogs or a BUNCH of cats. Like 10. In their house! Oh! And we were tracting the other day and the cutest little boy and his brother asked us if we were going to their house, so we were like yeah! Sure! Haha and his mom turned out to be deaf and I used my very limited ASL and her little boy would translate for us and it was awesome! The gospel is awesome!
Ponderizing for this week is Psalms 46:10. Be still and know that I am God... Oh man I am going to be ponderizing that one SO much this next week!
I love you all!
Sister Anderson
Off to work we go!
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