Monday, February 22, 2016

Missionary Life in the MBM

Hey! That's weird that my emails didn't get to you last week... Oh well! I will send them again! This week has been kinda crazy and strange and so great! It was transfers and a lot of missionaries got transferred, so we had Sister Smith staying with us for a day until she got her new companion. That was fun to have her with us! Also this week we have done a lot of service. I wore pants for almost an entire day...It was so weird.

We taught the whole Dayton family!! Aw it was so great. We have only been teaching the mom and a couple of the kids in past weeks, but this week all 5 of them sat in on the lesson. We again taught the restoration and the spirit was so strong testifying of the truthfulness of the message. The mom and two of the kids came to church yesterday too!

We had a pretty interesting lesson this week. First here's the back story. Last week Sister Bell and Sister Huerta were out in Ranchester visiting some people and they really felt like they needed to tract out this one street, so they did and there was only one man home on the whole street. They talked with him for a bit and set up a time to come back. Didn't think much of it until later last week when he called and asked, "why did you come to my door that day?" we told him, and turns out he is a member of the church and has basically just been waiting for someone to help him to get back on the right path! We were pretty pumped about it. Then it was an interesting lesson because of the kids. haha He has a 3 year old that is the size of a 5 year old, then our member brought her 8 year old kid. Both kids have some disabilities. Half way through the lesson the 3 year old went to close the front door, (it is a miracle it had been open the whole time) but then the 8 year old started crying because he was afraid and then the other kid went crazy and then the door got closed some more and it got crazier. Then the dad went to grab something so we said a quick prayer together and the spirit came so quick and everything was good after that! :)

Sister Bell and I are SO excited for this transfer!! Starting it off with a 12 hour round trip to Helena at 4am tomorrow morning for MLC!! It's always a good time.

This week a scripture that has been on my mind a lot has been Alma 17:3 "...they had given themselves to much prayer, and fasting; therefore they had the spirit of prophecy, and the spirit of revelation, and when they taught, they taught with power and authority of God." I have "experimented upon" this verse and I know it is true! We have done a lot of fasting and prayer and we are seeing many, many miracles because of it! I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the only church with the fullness of the gospel on the earth today. The atonement is real. It brings me so much happiness to know that I can repent and become better and happier everyday. I want everyone to know this! There are so many people that don't know of this happiness. Everyone needs the gospel! :) I love being a missionary! It is the best decision I've ever made.

I love you all! Love, Sister Anderson
Wrinkle Boy - he sheds a lot!
A good day
Valentines Day
Pictures from last week
Love love Main Street Sheridan
Sister Bell got accepted to BYU!
Nice buck
Maxwell the dog
One of our members made this cool cloud thing.  It changes colors!

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